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UK Open Riichi Tournament 2022

Representatives from seven countries, including the UK, foregathered to celebrate one of the first ranked tournaments in Europe since the onset of the Covid19 pandemic, in this eleventh iteration of the UK Riichi Open series.   Many old acquaintanceships were renewed, whilst a handful of players were making their baptism in face-to-face tournament play. One such… Read More »UK Open Riichi Tournament 2022

11th UK Open Riichi Mahjong Championship & the 3rd UK Open MCR Tournament 2022

After a 2 year break we are pleased to announce that registration for the 11th UK Open Riichi Mahjong Championship, and the 3rd UK Open MCR Tournament is now open. Both tournaments will take place at a new venue in Godalming, Surrey. The MCR Tournament is on Friday 22nd July; the Riichi Championship on Saturday 23rd – Sunday 24th July 2022. Full… Read More »11th UK Open Riichi Mahjong Championship & the 3rd UK Open MCR Tournament 2022

2nd UK Online Riichi Tournament – 2021 again sponsored with UKMA the second UK online riichi tournament which attracted a goodly following from both home and overseas, one third of the field being home grown players. Fewer in number, but clearly superior in quality the locals took four of the top six places, with Russell Chan emerging the winner to improve… Read More »2nd UK Online Riichi Tournament – 2021

The Second UK Online Riichi Tournament

We are very pleased to announce following last year’s successful event that we have arranged a second UKMA online tournament to be held on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th December. This tournament will be hosted on the Mahjong Time platform which is popular among many European players. It is open to allcomers. There will be attractive prizes for… Read More »The Second UK Online Riichi Tournament

UKMA AGM – Oct 16th 2021

The UKMA AGM will be held at The Seahorse public house in Shalford, Surrey on Saturday October 16th. The AGM will start at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you do plan to attend please let us know so we can reserve enough space.