The first known Riichi tournament held in the UK took place in September 2009, involving members of the local groups around Guildford and a handful of specially invited guests from mainland Europe, including Tina Christiansen, Vice President of the European Association.
The result was a minor embarrassment for co-organiser Peter Langford, who hadn’t even necessarily been expecting to play, but at least it showed that the Brits could hold their own against some experienced competition. Not that the Brits were entirely lacking in experience. In second place was John Wood, the very man who had brought Riichi Mahjong back to the UK from Japan some thirty years earlier.
Tournament Results
Rank | Player | Country | Final Score |
1 | Peter Langford | 87,600 | |
2 | John Wood | 69,500 | |
3 | Gemma Collinge | 65,600 | |
4 | Ilka Stummeyer | 51,900 | |
5 | Tony Haley | 51,100 | |
6 | Ans Hoogland | 46,400 | |
7 | Colin Wood | 30,700 | |
8 | John Duckworth | 26,300 | |
9 | Ian Fraser | 20,700 | |
10 | Andrew Smith | 16,900 | |
11 | Nick Dyer | 15,300 | |
12 | David Stallan | 4,200 | |
13 | Morten Andersen | -5,400 | |
14 | Richard Langtry | -7,200 | |
15 | Geoff Isenman | -8,500 | |
16 | Gerda Lubkemann | -9,400 | |
17 | Cor Hoogland | -9,900 | |
18 | Andy Mathew | -11,000 | |
19 | Toni Wensley | -14,300 | |
20 | Janco Onnink | -19,900 | |
21 | Jonathan Coke Smith | -21,100 | |
22 | Tina Christensen | -38,000 | |
23 | Iain Ramsey | -44,500 | |
24 | Mark Turner | -47,600 | |
25 | Lizzie Haliburton | -53,300 | |
26 | Paola Bungaro | -55,300 | |
27 | Wendy Coyne | -66,800 | |
28 | Naomi Fraser | -74,000 |
Represented Countries
22 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 |